
Pokemon Go Fest Goes South

Niantic planned to host a big Pokemon Go-themed bash for the game’s first birthday, but instead, the event flopped. Fans looked forward to playing the game among others who liked it. Upon attempting to participate in the festivities, fans soon found that they were unable to connect to the servers, for starters. Problems continued with frequent technical difficulties, server unresponsiveness, and shoddy excuses from Niantic themselves.

Mobile Games, Root Access, and You: We need to talk.

There are several things I dislike when it comes to mobile gaming. First of all, it’s all those clones of popular games floating around as bootlegs. Second of all, it’s those talking animals that spit back a phrase, but higher pitched and faster. Third of all, it’s mobile games that lock rooted Android users out of their apps. Buckle yourself in, because I have some things to say on the matter. This might be a long, wordy one.

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