D&D 5E Homebrew: Monk Subclass: Way of Body
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master shares another one of his homebrews. This time the Strength Focused monk path. The Way of Body!
Cover Image by Lord-Of-The-Guns.
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master shares another one of his homebrews. This time the Strength Focused monk path. The Way of Body!
Cover Image by Lord-Of-The-Guns.
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master shares another one of his homebrews. This time the Earth elemental focused sorcerer. The Terramancer!
Cover Image by Nargyle.
The Paladin’s have a unique feature where their level 20 class feature is based on their class archetype. (sub-class) These are far and beyond my favorite as it makes it so you could have two paladins in your party and yet they would feel completely different from one another. So I’ve always liked to think about what archetype based level 20 class features I would make for each class. So I’d like to share my homebrew for the guardian of nature, the Druid. I’m going to have one for each of the subclasses except Moon since Archdruid is already a perfect fit.
Archdruid being the Level 20th ability always bothered me. The Moon Circle gets significantly more out of unlimited beast shapes. So it only seems right that I correct that here tonight.
At 20th level, when you are located in an environment similar to the land where you became a druid you can cast a 9th level spell without expending a spell slot. Adding an additional 1 hour to the casting time.
You can use this again after finishing a long rest.
I like the idea of the Land itself granting the Druid power, almost like Goku’s spirit bomb. Like the land itself is rewarding the Druid for their devotion and protection.
This feature focuses on the land specifically unlike many of the other features. The Druid will have to understand their landscape to make the most out of this feature.
Decided to continue and add 20th Level Features for the new Subclasses in “Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.” First off here’s the Circle of Dreams a subclass that focuses on using the good parts of the Feywild to heal and support their allies.
At 20th level, when you take a short rest you maniputed and warp the flow of time around you. You can all other creatures within 120ft gain the benefits of a long rest during the duration of a short rest.
One of my favorite aspects of the Feywild is how time there is convoluted. So it made sense to me that a Druid of this strength might be able to utilize that power. Being able to turn all Short rests into Long Rests is an insanely strong ability, and one deserving of a 20th Level skill.
I wasn’t specific about how much time was saved as I’d like the ability to be compatible with variant rules on Rest Time.
At 20th level, whenever you cast a spell that summons/conjures a creature, it is not considered a concentration spell for you. If there is a downside to losing concentration on the spell the downside is ignored. The creature remains loyal to you.
However you can still only have one instance of that particular spell active at one point.
I dig this ability because it it cements this subclasses’ role as the summoner. Since the spells are no longer concentration spells it means you can have multiple summons of different types up at once.
This is potentially dangerous as it could clog up initiative but with the right DM /player relationship it can work out.
Alright that’s it. Lemme know what you think in the comments or @TLCStageHazard. If you’re interested in other homebrews here’s one that turns The Legend of Zelda’s Link into a 5e Ranger.
Cover Image by Takeda11.
The Lifecast’s DM Greg Fernandes, D&D-izes The Legend of Zelda’s Link. As well as created usable version of his impressive arsenal.
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master shares a homebrew about balancing the powerlevels between Dexterity and the D&D 5E’s other statistics.
The Lifecast’s DM shares another one of his D&D 5e homebrews. This time a Heal-focused Druid. The Restorer.
One of the things that always bothered me about many D&D worlds was how rampant magic tends to run. Heroes tend to go from novice to master magician in only a few years time. Magic is extremely powerful. Where is the fear? Where is their check? Enter the Inquisitor.
Inquisitors are based on the real world equivalent by the same name. The men of the Church who would go around and destroy things they considered unholy whether they be text or people themselves.
Magic in many worlds are sort of viewed as an equivalent to science. So the Inquisitor coming to destroy arcane documents fits well thematically.
Inquisitors can play a interesting role in many worlds:
I hope this class really sells that idea and allows for a true check of the arcane. Leave critique here in the comments or @TLCStageHazard.
If you’re interested in other D&D 5E Homebrews, here’s one about a more Pious Bard.
High Ranking Inquisitor | Art by: Wes Schnieder
Paladin Level: | Spells: |
3rd | Detect Magic, Identify |
5th | Silence, See Invisibility |
9th | Counterspell, Dispel Magic |
13th | Fire Shield, Locate Creature |
17th | Circle of Power, Dispel Evil and Good |
When you take this Oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Martial Counterspell: When a target casts a spell within your melee attack range you can spend your Channel Divinity and reaction to immediately interrupt the their casting (wasting their spell slot and action) and take an attack of opportunity.
Focus Rupture: As an action, you can make a special attack with an attack bonus equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier(choose one). If the attack lands any spell the target was concentrating on is immediately ended.
Inquisitor reflecting on the night’s events. | Art by : Kim Junghun
Beginning at 7th level you and allies within 10 feet gain a bonus to saving throws vs spells equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier.(Choose one) This effect does stack with Aura of Protection.
Beginning at 15th level, whenever you use your Divine Sense feature you also gain the effects of the Detect Magic spell. This does not use up a spell slot.
At 20th level, as an action, you can emmit an aura of anti-magic. You gain the following effects for 1 minute.
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master shares his wrestling homebrew for D&D 5E. If you wanna slam fools. Read on.
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master Greg Fernandes shares some of his D&D 5e homebrew ideas. This edition attempts to create a unique take on the frequently homebrewed Samurai class.
Cover Image by Lubliner
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master Greg Fernandes shares some of his D&D 5e homebrew ideas. This edition attempts to create a unique take on the frequently homebrewed Samurai class.
Cover Image by Lubliner
The Lifecast’s Dungeon Master Greg Fernandes shares some of his D&D 5e homebrew ideas. This edition attempts to improve the Druid of the Land Circle.
Cover Image by DarkKenjie