jak and daxter

My Top 5 Most Replayed Games

The idea of a game’s replayability being one of its main selling points is, I think, a really interesting idea because the standards for replayability have evolved with the standards for video games in general. After all, when you say you want replayability in a game, do you mean that in a sense that it’s fun and you’d like to relive the fun? Perhaps you skipped some content in the game that you’d like to go back and find? Maybe you want to take another look at the writing in the game now that you know the conclusion? Or are there multiple endings that you want to discover? Or perhaps you’re playing a game in which you make very important decisions and you want to experience the game from other answers? Perhaps it’s something else entirely? Regardless of reason, there are several reasons one could have for replaying a game. Admittedly, I probably don’t replay as many games as I should. Moreover, most of the games I’ve replayed I’ve only replayed once–maybe twice if it was short. Yet I also think that gives more gravity to the games that I have replayed more than once or twice because it speaks in volume on behalf of their timelessness. The only stipulation that I’m putting on this list is that there’s only 2 games on here that I can recall the exact number of times I’ve beaten them–the others are approximations which will be listed.


5. Harvest Moon: More Friends in Mineral Town

“Beaten” 3-5 Times
via gamefaqs.net

via gamefaqs.net

I have the word “beaten” in parenthesis because you don’t necessarily “beat” Harvest Moon–you just get to a point where you’ve done pretty much everything, so you start over and try something new. And that’s exactly what I’ve done with my first and favorite Harvest Moon game, More Friends in Mineral Town. I’d usually get to about a millionaire status before I’d start to get bored of my farm and want to try something new–making new friends, making them at different times, trying new crops, trying to get certain events, although I never did marry anyone else since Cliff was my waifu4laifu. Outside of marrying everyone, I’m pretty sure I’ve otherwise done everything there is to do in this Harvest Moon entry.


4. Kingdom Hearts

Beaten 4-6 Times
via wikipedia

via wikipedia

I’ve made no attempts to conceal the fact that I’m a JRPG junkie. The first JRPG I ever played was Okage Shadow King, but the first JRPG that I fell in love with and even beat was the first Kingdom Hearts. Regardless of how I feel about the franchise now and what it’s devolved into, it will still always hold a special place in my heart for being the JRPG that got me into JRPGs.  I got Kingdom Hearts shortly after it came out in the States, but because I was so young and such an inexperienced gamer, I could never even figure out how to beat the ambush on Destiny Islands. It wasn’t until a few years later, shortly after Kingdom Hearts 2 came out, that I would decide to revisit it to see what all the hype was about. Needless to say, I was hooked. I made it a point to replay it at least once every other year or so, eventually. And when the 1.5 Mix came out in the States, I replayed it yet again. Because I’ve replayed it so much, I know what to expect and exactly what to do anytime I enter the game now, and replaying it now has become very relaxing for me.


3. Devil Survivor 1 and 2

Beaten 6 times each
via eurogamer.net

via eurogamer.net

I didn’t expect to fall as in love with these games as I did, yet here I am: Having played each to 100% completion. These games are oozing with moral ambiguity–who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? You can just as easily argue one over the other–and I adore not just games, but any kind of story like this. Antagonists who are arguably more justified than the protagonists, protagonists who may or may not be in the right depending on how you look at it–I think stories involving these kinds of factors add a HUGE layer of interest and involvement to the story, especially if it’s a story in which you’re in charge of several important decisions, as you are in these games. Because I got so interested in the story, and more importantly because I thought each side was equally right and I wanted to see what would happen had I sided with one over the other, I ended up getting all the possible endings to both games: 6 in each.


2. Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom

Beaten countless times, but less than the #1 game
via youtube.com

via youtube.com

I can’t tell you how excited I was for Christmas 2003 when all I wanted was a copy of this game–and lo and behold, my amazing parents got me a copy. The ad made it look amazing, despite all the technical problems of Revenge of the Flying Dutchman I still had lots of fun with it, and most importantly, I was 9 years old–I loved Spongebob. There was no reason for me to not be excited about this game. Needless to say, upon playing it, it exceeded my expectations. With a wide variety of levels, collecathons that added a lot of replayability to the game, and just plain being fun, it’s really easy to understand why anyone would replay this game as often as I did. Like many of the other games on this list, I didn’t want to stop until I’d hit 100% completion–which, by the way, was no easy task for me in light of just how much there is to do in this game. It’s aged incredibly as well, on top of that. To this day I’ll re-play it if I want to play something more relaxed even though there’s nothing new for this game to offer me–it’s just that fun.


1. Jak & Daxter

I’m not sure numbers go high enough to reach the amount of times I’ve beaten this
via wikipedia

via wikipedia

Ask any passionate gamer about the games that got them into gaming and they’ll usually have one or 2 particular games that turned them from someone who casually enjoyed video games to a full-blown gamer. This, to me, is that game. The first console I ever had was a PS2, and at first, we mostly just had racing games. This was the first non-racing/non-puzzle game we owned and my sister and I fell in love with this highly-praised platformer immediately. I didn’t know games could be this fun–and so, both my sister and I would play it endlessly. We wanted to experience everything this game had to offer. And when we did, we wanted to do it all over again. And again. And again. There’s so much variety in this game that it definitely never felt repetitive–an absolute must for any games hoping to have any replayability to them. I still replay this game every so often, in fact–hell, I can still 100% the game in a few hours, no problem. It’s aged wonderfully. There aren’t many games that have enticed me as much as the colorful world of the first Jak & Daxter game–mixed with the nostalgia I have for it, this is a game I’ll still be replaying in years to come.




As always, feel free to comment with your most replayed games and why you’ve replayed them so much! Do you think replayability is important for a game to have? How much replayability is too much?

The Most Expensive Games I Own

Being a huge fan of the Persona franchise, I got really excited a few days ago when Atlus gave us a more solid American release date for Persona 5 and opened preorders for the special edition called the Take Your Heart edition. Alone, Persona 5 will cost $60 on PS4, whereas the Take Your Heart Edition is $90. Given all the merchandise it comes with and how much I love Persona, an extra $30 seems like a good price to me. That’s why I decided to preorder the Take Your Heart edition. Telling a good friend of mine who’s not into gaming that I was planning on spending $90 on a video game (even if it comes with a lot of merchandise) was interesting though: She couldn’t seem to fathom why anyone would spend more than $30, let alone $90 on a video game. And that got me thinking: What’s the most expensive game I own?

I immediately thought of .hack//Quarantine. I absolutely love the .hack// games, and at Anime Boston this past year, I finally bought a copy for $150. That’s about the average price it goes for because it was released in such small quantities. Given how great its condition was, I’d say it was actually a really good price. Ones in condition this good that still have the DVD, manual, etc. generally go for closer to $200. In hindsight, what happened was like something out of a movie:


The face of bad decisions

It was Sunday, the last day of the con. I was with a group of friends (the same group of friends who write articles for this site, in fact) and the dealer’s room was only going to be open for another 15 minutes so we were doing a last minute sweep. There was a wheel-spinning game set up, and some of my friends wanted to try it. To do so, however, they had to wait in a line, and I noticed one of my favorite local game stores had a booth next door. It was taking my friends a bit longer than I thought to wait in line, so to pass the time, I decided to check out the gaming booth. Dead center of their booth when I got there was none other than .hack//Quarantine: Perhaps not quite my holy grail of rare games (that would be Earthbound) but probably the next best thing—the holy reliable water bottle that you bring everyday to school and/or work. I’d been saving up money for a year to finally buy this game at PAX a few months later, but here it was right in front of me now. Looking at me. Taunting me. I knew I wanted it, and the owners of the booth knew I wanted it, too.

“There was someone else eyeing it down earlier who said he was gonna’ come back for it once the dealer’s room started to close down,” one of the employees told me, “But he was being really rude and annoying so I really don’t want him to have it. If you wanted to buy it now, I’d let you.” The dealer’s room was closing in less than 10 minutes at this point: I had to make a decision and I had to make it fast, and in a fit of passion for wanting to complete my .hack// collection, I responded to her with the utmost joy and the utmost knowledge that I’d heavily regret what I was doing the minute it came time to go grocery shopping, “Fuck me up, fam.” And so for a mere $150 I took home .hack//Quarantine with less than 5 minutes to spare. To be honest, knowing that I own this game that I’ve wanted so much for so many years is still a little surreal.

In terms of money, .hack//Quarantine is easily the most expensive game I own. (The second and third most being .hack//G.U. Games, ironically enough.) But there are other ways in which a game can be expensive. Dictionary.com defines “expensive” as, “entailing great expense; very high-priced; costly.” Nothing is said about money. So what other games have been expensive for me? And how? What did they cost me? For my first example I’m going to take you to the very beginning of my gaming “career.”

My family got our first gaming console in 2001: The PS2. My Godparents got it for us for Christmas with a game called Okage Shadow King. I’d never touched a video game before this one, and playing it was one of the hardest things ever: A turn-based JRPG doesn’t make a good first video game for a 7-year-old like myself at the time. It was confusing. It was hard. Nothing made sense to me. I couldn’t even read some of the words—let alone understand them. I constantly asked my dad—who, at the time, had recently got his PhD—to help me and not even he knew what to do. It was a sign that this game had to go.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

Being so inexperienced with video games (and a dumb 7-year-old) I started to think that maybe all video games were this way. Maybe video games were just much less fun than I thought they’d be. Maybe it’s just not my thing. When we finally got a few new games for the PS2—all of which were racing and BMX games—I was a little hesitant to play them because I thought they’d be like Okage again. After watching my dad play and have fun with it a few times though, I began to realize that these games were different: These games were fun.

Regardless, I got so angry with Okage Shadow King that it almost ruined video games as a whole for me. I was ready (or as ready as someone as young as I was can be) to never play video games again if it was going to be that irritating. (And look at me now: JRPGs are my favorite genre. If that’s not irony I don’t know what is.) Okage Shadow King was expensive in the sense that it almost cost me my love of gaming—which I would ultimately discover months later once we got Jak & Daxter.

Here’s another one: Time. Which game has been the most expensive in consuming the precious hours of my life? In one save file, Pokemon Ruby. It was the first GameBoy game that I had and more importantly, the first game I had that was mine. Not a game that I shared with my siblings and my dad on the PS2 but just mine. Like any other child in the early 2000’s, Pokemon consumed my life. Starting the video games only made it more apparent. I found it really hard to put it down—it was (it still is) an incredible game. And the graphics were so nice. And the new Pokemon were so great. I caught every Pokemon in the dex fair and square with no cheats whatsoever except for Feebas and Milotic which still haunt me to this day. Regardless, as of right now, my save file in Pokemon Ruby has 363 hours into it. That’s the longest continuous save file I have.

Image courtesy of expertshop

Overall, I’ve probably put more time into Jak & Daxter, though. As I just mentioned, it was the game that got me into gaming. After we got it, my sister and I would do nothing but play it all day every day for months. We’d restart it, do all of our favorites tasks over, and we’d do this day in and day out starting more save files than we could count because we got through them so quickly. To this day, Jak & Daxter still remains a permanent fixture in my PS2 library which I still replay every so often. I can still 100% it no problem—in fact, these days I can beat it faster than I ever could’ve before. There’s no way for me to know how much time I’ve put into this game total, but seeing as how I’ve been playing it continuously for more than 10 years, I’m pretty confident that I’ve put more time into it overall than in my Pokemon Ruby save file.

Here’s one final (and more recent) example of another way a game has been expensive for me: There’s a game that cost me my Wii. Here’s the story: I’ve been a huge fan of One Piece for 11 years now. Back in my early One Piece fan days, its North American rights were owned by 4Kids. Some will recall it was a mess of censorship. When they got the rights to the show, they had no idea how dark it would eventually get. They omitted the entire Whiskey Peak arc, which made it really hard for them to transition into Alabasta, which was also heavily censored. It was a mess of continuity errors, contradictions, and of course, rubber knives.


This only made it a bigger deal when Funimation took the rights to One Piece out of 4Kids dying hands in 2007. Fans everywhere rejoiced—myself included. Around the same time they started showing trailers for the dub, they announced that they were bringing One Piece: Unlimited Adventure for the Wii to the United States to celebrate. This would be not only the first One Piece game to come out in the U.S. in 2 years, but honestly, the first really good One Piece to come out in the United States in general. (Although admittedly, I did sink a lot of time into Grand Adventure.) This would be the first real exposure to the Funimation dub most of us would have since the DVDs were coming out around the same time. This was a huge deal. My sister and I got a Wii for Christmas in 2007 (note: Unlimited Adventure came out January 2008) so I was beyond thrilled. Finally, a One Piece game with good voice acting and more adventure. And you know what? It lived up to the hype. I absolutely love Unlimited Adventure. I played it day in, day out. My sister didn’t really stop me since the only other game we had on it was Wii Sports and by the time I got Unlimited Adventure, we’d already got our time out of it. I got to a point where I wouldn’t even bother taking it out of the Wii when I finished playing it because I knew I’d be back to it soon. Being only a recent Wii-owner, I didn’t realize that was a problem.

Image courtesy of covershut

One day, I believe it would’ve been in March or April of that year, I tried to take the disc out. It wouldn’t come out. Maybe I didn’t push the button hard enough? I kept trying and trying, but the disc wouldn’t come out. I asked my parents for help, but nobody could get the disc out. As I learned the hard way, this was just a thing that happens to Wiis that you forget to remove your game from for more than a few days: They just won’t come out anymore. The ejector stops working. To repair it would cost more than the game itself. To get a new console was out of the question. Unlimited Adventure was stuck in there. Our Wii had just turned into an Unlimited Adventure machine. Being the only One Piece fan in my house, that didn’t sit too well with anybody else—especially my sister who never got a chance to play any good games on the Wii. It’s still there to this day, though I haven’t booted it up in years. It recently came to my attention that because it didn’t sell horribly well, Unlimited Adventure is a semi-rare game, which only makes this more disappointing. Even now, to repair my Wii would cost me more than it would for me to go out and buy a used Wii at most retailers.

After this happened I seemed to notice more and more Wii games I wanted to play: Okami, Muramasa, No More Heroes, Mad World, Punch Out, etc. I still haven’t played any of them on the Wii (though I did get to play the PS2 version of Okami and the PS3 port of No More Heroes.) Muramasa in particular mocks me to this day. All these games that I could never play all because I thought it’d save time leaving Unlimited Adventure in the Wii. Unlimited Adventure cost me my Wii and in turn, the opportunity to play other great games on the Wii. I’m sure I was grounded when this happened, too, if that counts for anything.

Games Gone By: Jak and Daxter

Time passes. Franchises come, Franchises go. Some end when they could have gone longer. No where else is this as apparent than with Jak and Daxter.

With the success the game had both commercially and critically, its easy to see why the game got re-released under the Playstation’s “Greatest Hits Banner”. Image Source: Amazon.com

Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy was developed by Naughty Dog and released in 2001. The game was originally meant to be Naughty Dog’s first foray into deeper and more character centered story telling. The game focused on the young mute protagonist Jak and his snarky human-turned ottsel (yes Ottsel, a combination of weasel and an otter) companion. Together they try and change Daxter back into a human by finding the sage of Dark Eco, the material that turned Daxter into an ottsel to begin with. Along the way, the pair need to traverse the huge world made up of different hubs. Each hub is centered around a different colored eco that each has a different property (i.e. Green for health, Blue for Speed, Yellow for Energy blasts, etc.).

The first hub in the game is the village centered around Green Eco. Though not very smooth, the setting is still a fantastic marvel to look at. Image source: PlaystationPalo.wordpress.com

To get from place to place, the player needed to find “power cells”. These could be gained by going through a temple, doing a side mission, or performing some very skillful platforming. It was a fun and charming title. Having come out after Naughty Dog’s hit series Crash bandicoot, the game still held up and show’d their talent for more charcter focused games. For the sequel, the story became even more prevelant, but got MUCH darker. And in my opinion, even better.

One of the few times adding guns to a franchise doesn’t seem like its desperately trying to be edgy. Image Source: Amazon.com

Jak II came out on the Playstation 2 in 2004, upping the anti in a LOT of  ways.First off: the story. Jak and Daxter, as well as a few side characters, find themselves being sucked into the future by a mysterious and enormous beast, who calls out Jak ominously. They soon find themselves in a dystopian future in the fascist Haven City, which is currently under the rule of the tyrannical Baron Praxis. Jak becomes a prisoner and is experimented on for two years until Daxter comes and frees him (What he was doing is shown in the PSP spinoff Daxter). Jak and Daxter then set out to get revenge on the Baron and free Haven City. Oh and Jak can talk now. Not a huge difference but hey, adds to character development and moves the plot along. The game has you talking to freedom fighters, criminals, and other interesting characters around Haven City, making it feel really alive.

The new Dark Jak form has a lot of uses, and can be made even stronger as the game goes on, giving a lot of room to grow. Image Source: Fanpop.com

The gameplay also is ramped up. Instead of focusing on different color eco for fighting, you now have an assortment of guns to deal with enemies. Also, Jak can now collect dark eco to turn into “Dark Jak”, a powerful and nearly unstoppable force, if only for a short while. The inclusion of more car based gameplay is also fantastic, as you can often take whatever ride you may want from the drivers of Haven City. Take from the wrong person however, and you may find yourself being the target of the city guards’ fury.

The sequel added so much and expanded so greatly on what made Jak and Daxter fun. Unfortunately the same could not be said for Jak III.

You’d think a match up of Jak and Daxter and Mad Max would be amazing right? One would think, but one would be wrong. Image Source: Amazon.com

Jak 3 comes out on the Ps2 only a year after the first, and it really shows. There was a three year difference between the first two games. Time to sit and time to innovate. With Jak 3, it felt slightly rushed. Am I saying it’s a bad game? God no. This game still looks great, plays great, and has a somewhat decent story. However, compared to Jak 2, not much has changed. The gun and fighting system is copy and paste, the story doesn’t break much new ground, here’s a “light” form for Jak now, and more focus on vehicles. Although they don’t hover this time. Woo hoo.

It suffers from resting on what works instead of trying anything new. I can’t entirely blame them because Jak 2 was a fantastic game that took a gamble and won. I just wish they took more time to think of something better and a little bit more creative.

What could have been a great game came out with too little WAY too late. Image Source Amazon.com

Thats not to say time  work miracles, as Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier would eventually surface after a racing game and the Daxter spin-off . They had a good idea of adding ariel combat and bigger stage story, however it came out too late in the Playstation 2’s lifecycle and got very little exposure. And this game came out in 2009! Three years after the Playstation 3 had come out. If they wanted this series to still stand chance they should have shifted focus to putting it on the next-gen console. Although its possible Sucker Punch wasn’t enthusiastic for the series to continue, as they were more focused on the Uncharted series, they gave the Lost Frontier over to High Impact Games. A few people in Sucker Punch wished they gave Jak a better send-off than he got, and I don’t blame them. The game felt like a half effort with minimal stakes in the story and not enough interesting in the gameplay to keep the dusty formula relevant again.

However, I have hope that one day we may see Jak and his snarky side-kick once again.

Image Source: Tumblr.com