Gaming’s Undervalued Treasures: Darkstalkers 3
Image courtesy of the Capcom Database Wiki
Darkstalkers 3 is one fast paced, yet incredibly fun, fighting game
Darkstalkers 3 is one of Capcom’s biggest cult hits in the fighting game genre. Similar to the rest of the Darkstalkers series, Darkstalkers 3 sets itself apart from other fighting games at the time. It’s extensive roster of horror movie monsters, spooky techno/jazz soundtrack and some of the most engaging fighting game mechanics keep Darkstalkers 3 fun. It’s also one of the fastest fighters in Capcom’s library.
Vampire vs Succubus! Only in Darkstalkers. Image courtesy of VG Museum.
Equipped with envelope pushing features, Darkstalkers 3 was quietly released in 1997 in arcades, and was not a major hit. The popularity of the then-new Capcom vs series overshadowed Darkstalkers 3. The game was also marketed as Vampire Savior, which may have confused gamers. Home ports did not fare much better. The Sega Saturn port was Japan-exclusive and the PlayStation 1 was mostly ignored.
![Original arcade flyer with the name confusion. Image courtesy of Hardcore Gaming 101.](
Original arcade flyer with the name confusion. Image courtesy of Hardcore Gaming 101.
Even when Capcom rereleased this game with it’s solid prequel Night Warriors for PSN and Xbox Live Arcade as Darkstalkers Resurrection, the general gaming public did not notice. It’s a shame, since Darkstalkers 3 truly is one of the most addictive and hard hitting fighting games out there. It deserves to be played by any fighting game fan. And with its horror themed atmosphere, it’s perfect to play during the Halloween season.
Darkstalkers 3’s fighting mechanics are top notch
The fighting properties in Darkstalkers 3 are the definition of addictive and will have players coming back for more in no time.
![J. Talbain v J. Talbain to see who is the most badass, kung fu werewolf! Image courtesy of VG Museum.](
J. Talbain v J. Talbain to see who is the most badass, kung fu werewolf! Image courtesy of VG Museum.
Darkstalkers 3, and by extension the rest of the series, is more than just Street Fighter meets Universal Monsters. It’s a very technical series, where air blocking, dashing and timing with super meters is the norm. Darkstalkers 3 continues this trend, but welcomes additions. For instance, players can enhance special attacks by taking a chunk out of their special meter. Instead of utilizing a super, the player can instead chain a standard special with this feature. The game also introduces the Dark Force EX special mode, which is similar to the Super Art mode in the Street Fighter III sub-series.
This new feature to the series allows for quicker, more concise matches. For a game known for being technical, having the ability to blow through a match in a short period of time is great. Make no mistake, Darkstalkers 3 is a blisteringly fast fighting game, but it also requires a good amount of skill play it.
Luckily for new players, the controls are not difficult to learn. Anyone who has played any Capcom fighter will feel right at home with Darkstalkers 3’s control set up. Chaining combos and launching special attacks with come as easy as tying one’s shoes.
A shockingly balanced roster, eye-catching graphics and a solid soundtrack round out Darkstalkers 3
For many gamers, a good roster in a fighting game is what matters most. Darkstalkers 3 has a sublime roster lined with creative characters. The roster contains the series’ trademark originality. The busty succubi Morrigan and Lilith, catgirl Felicia, the vampire Dimitri and fan favorites J. Talbain, the nunchuck wielding werewolf and Eddie the Head’s long lost twin brother Lord Raptor. Newcomers include Q Bee, a human-esque bee and BB Hood, who is what happens when Little Red Riding Hood has Deadpool’s personality.
![The whole freakin' roster! With the two *ahem* MOST popular fighters at the forefront. Image courtesy of Fighters Generation.](
The whole freakin’ roster! With the two *ahem* MOST popular fighters at the forefront. Image courtesy of Fighters Generation.
Darkstalkers 3 contains one of the most badass villains in any fighting game. Jedah Domah is a stoic and ruthless demon, who has some disturbing special attacks. His ultimate plan is to destroy the universe and build it back up as he sees fit.
![Jedah taking on the Frankenstein's Monster inspired character, Victor. Image courtesy of Fighter's Generation](
Jedah taking on the Frankenstein’s Monster inspired character, Victor. Image courtesy of Fighter’s Generation
Disturbing describes the game’s graphics in many instances. Backgrounds range from a jungle with sadistic plants, a post-apocalyptic city or a satanic fetus. They are all colorful, yet creepy, and fit the vibe. With the game taking place in the demon world, known as Makai, it makes sense to have weird and eerie settings for fights.
![Image result for darkstalkers 3 j talbain](
There it is folks, the fetus. Pure nightmare fuel. Image courtesy of VG Museum.
However, the rest of the game’s graphics are incredible.Anyone taking a look at Darkstalkers 3 will notice it feels like a mid-90s Marvel Comic book. The is game full of vibrant colors and heavy on action. Sprites well animated and fluid. Darkstalkers 3’s animations even rival the almighty Street Fighter III: Third Strike. Animations will perfectly reflect the fighters personality, especially BB Hood who is full of expressions. Special moves are an absolute delight to look at as well.
![BB Hood calling in the cavalry! Image courtesy of Hardcore Gaming 101.](
BB Hood calling in the cavalry! Image courtesy of Hardcore Gaming 101.
To top it off, the soundtrack a good mix of atmospheric and moody horror with techno-jazz.
One of Gaming’s Undervalued Treasures
Darkstalkers 3 and the rest of the franchise is sadly forgotten about by Capcom. The absolute best way to play the game is to download it through PSN or Xbox Live Arcade. It appears on various collections, including Darkstalkers Chronicle: the Chaos Tower on the PSP. Copies are relatively expensive though.
Darkstalkers 3 is simply just fun to play and will wow players with its uniqueness. It does not condescend new or returning players and anyone watching will be in awe over how gorgeous the game is. Sticking around for the excellent, fine-tuned gameplay helps enhance playing. Playing this game on All Hallow’s Eve also adds to the experience.